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Friday, November 18, 2011

Welcome to my Online Dating Blog

Hello there! Let me tell you a little bit about myself as we embark on a journey into the world of online dating. Yes, the New Frontier analogy is going to get real old, real quick, so let’s just stop now, ok? 

Good! Well, my name is Shawn Dobson. I am a 43 year old, divorced mother of one. I live in Atlanta, GA and my credits include appealing for my PhD in Psychology. I have a bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Management, and I have worked in consulting for a number or years. Over two years ago, I returned to the corporate world due to a diminishing economy. So, here I am, like everyone else. I have worked extremely hard my entire life, put myself totally through school (no silver spoon in my mouth, thank you very much), and ‘thought’ I had myself set for retirement. BOMB! Down goes the economy and I am forced to return to the workplace. Gotta love it.

But, none of this is why I am here. I am here because I have returned to the ‘settling down’ portion of my life that I lost three years ago. Psychology.

I am divorced and- to be totally blunt- I have NOT been very successful at this marriage thing. It is my goal and dream to be happily married to a stable, honest, hardworking, financially stable, non-drug/alcohol addicted man, who truly wants to be a husband to me and a stepfather to my son. So, with my son, my God, and my career as my top priorities, I have dedicated the remaining energy into dating.

Using all my resources, I have made a strong and concerted effort to find “the one.” I have searched the bars, my church, gone through my friends….and my friends’ friend (LOL)…. I have I looked in my gym, in my neighborhood, the local aquatic center, and the local grocery store, all to no avail. Then, four years ago, I tried online dating. WOW! Did my world open up for me….

I found dates- and lots of ‘em! I registered with two pay sites and one free one, and I was hit from every direction. My phone could not stop blowing up. Emails flooded in and I was swept up in countless “first meetings” with individuals who reviewed and read my profile.

In the years I have participated in the online dating scene, I have come to learn some nuggets about the online process. I have been able to decipher profile verbiage. I have come to understand what “Interests” really mean. I have established an Online Dating Vernacular, which correlates to direct language (and, trust me, it ‘ain’t’ what you think it is!)

The purpose of this blog is to assist you- other online daters…newbies to the online dating scene….or people who simply are tickled by one of the newest psychology trends. It is my intention to post at least ONE significant lesson in online dating each and every week. I welcome your comments- even if they are to tell me I am jaded or cynical- and look forward to a fun and prosperous relationship as this blog advances in age!

Much love,

Shawn Dobson


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