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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Welcoming is bittersweet

After how many months of being silent, I am back. As so many of you know, I was engaged! Yes, the online bug came and bit me in the booty... But after a few weeks of playing the vanishing fiancé game, which I thought was the I am freaking out about getting married game, I find my fiancé (a dedicated Greek pilot) was really still surfing the online dating sites, looking for the stereotypical girlfriend(s) on the side. God love him for sticking with Greek tradition! So, it ended.....

Never letting moss grow on this rolling stone, I took a few weeks to recover and got back up on my two feet. As I feel I am the consummate optimist, I refuse to allow this to keep me down for long. In exposing my soul to you, I have to admit this entire process has literally rocked my world. Being "an expert" in relationships and feeling strongly about the online dating protocol, I cannot express enough how following my own advice is critical today. In the last two weeks, I have gone back and read my own posts, seeking strength and reassurance that "this DOES work!"

I rarely am serious in any of my posts as you know, but this one is. As I sit in the middle of the North Carolina mountains at a good friend's cabin with my best friend in the world, I look at the changing leaves and smell my freshly pressed coffee. Since starting this post, I now smell the crackling bacon waifing from the kitchen and my best friend, who has held my hand, handed me countless tissues, has expressed disgust over inappropriate things my ex fiancé said or did....the best friend who I dragged through an all-day bridal show, knowing full well my relationship was ending, yet feigned excitement to keep me from breaking down.....looks out the glass sliding door and smiles with her tea cup in hand.... I know am back.... And my posts will resume.....

I am assured that even though my heart was crushed, there IS someone out there for me....and you too... And everyone of the tears I have shed have an intended purpose to teach me how to be a better person, a better girlfriend and ultimately wife, and most importantly, an appreciative friend....

Much love,
